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  • Writer's pictureSundeep Mallipudi

Creative Advertising Fails 9 Times Out Of 10, Why [A Guide to Advertising Campaign Creation]

Updated: Feb 27, 2020

Why are a lot of spellbinding advertisements failing to engage the Audience?

Well, Outstanding Advertising Begins With Remarkable Positioning!

  • Who are you as an organization?

  • Who is your target audience?

  • What sets your product, service, and company apart from the competition?

  • What common frustration or challenge are you solving?

  • What does your brand stand for?

  • What promise does it make?

  • What personality do you convey?

These are some fundamental questions and somewhat possibly the most critical ones that business owners face today.

To acknowledge, you have to wholly remember what’s your core business does, what your value proposition is to your most critical customers, how you are placed with regard to your competition, and the way you portray your brand story in a convincing method.

If you discover that deciding on who you are and why you are is challenging, most business owners have difficulty in answering these questions clearly, it is really understandable. With so great business going on in an organization—so many hopes and goals are building and just as many complications to be solved. Here's exactly why positioning matters: it helps you reply to these key questions. Even more, it helps you get over your competition!

Positioning is an act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a distinct place in the mind of the target market. – Philip Kotler

Positioning isn't what you do to a product. Positioning is what you do to the mind of the prospect. It's your communication messages that will put a product in the minds of the prospects.

If you want to know how your brand positions to others in consumers' minds, a brand positioning map can help you. Perceptual brand positioning mapping is the visual plotting of specific brands against axes, where each axis represents an attribute that is known to drive brand selection.

At the point when the product is new and there is no preset brand image, so it needs to set up its own positioning. This is an instance where you can make it a revolutionary positioning. In other cases, the product may be now in the market and might be currently building/rebuilding up its brand image (a change in positioning the brand).

Now let’s look into how we can create strategies for brand positioning

- By Characteristics/Benefits of the Product/Service

- By Pricing of the Product/Service

- By Product/Service Process

- By Usage of the Product/Service (Time and Occasion)

- By Personality of the Product/Service

There are hundreds and thousands of competitors, and you are competing with them for customers every day.

- Consumers are looking for price comparisons on the Internet

- Customers are allowed to find anything and everything they want themselves, they don’t need the help of analysts, experts, peers to advise them on what to buy

- Today every person is looking in over 3,000 ads per day which are relevant to them

Creativity is not only the factor that embrace's the customers heart

Well, undoubtedly creativity is needed to craft an advertisement. But the essence of creativity shouldn’t get overdosed by the original content, instead, it must enhance the approach of visualizing and embrace the content. At the initial planning stage, give your self enough time to make it more relevant to the audience with the right amount of creativity topped in it. Unbarred brainstorming and discussion is one way to help produce a classic.

Some experience you might have faced, you might have yawned at certain advertisements that came on television or in digital platforms, most probably your brain might trigger for skipping the advert or swap channels. But, the good old Vodafone Zoo Zoo or Airtel advertisement was once a reason for people to stay on the same channel during the break. That’s where creativity met the contemplative perception. These kind of ads are the perfect examples of ads which have a balance in creativity and emotional positioning and that was the reason they have been soo engaging and have given the companies most advertising ROI. For example, Vodafone reports on at end of Q1 FY10 says Vodafone India added 7.68 million subscribers in that quarter, ZooZoo advertisements helped Vodafone to increase its customer base by 3.8% in that quarter, Vodafone reported an increase of 23 percent in revenue at constant exchange rates.

Also, your customers are reacting to stories that are convincing, engaging, and solve a specific need or problem. They are looking for associations, once they have an emotional connection with brands…thus, the reason that social media has been so fruitful for many businesses when used appropriately.

So, it’s not all about creating a spellbinding advertisement, it’s all about how you are going to emotionally position your brand to the audience. That’s when your advertising will be successful.

If you think if i have missed something, please do comment below...!

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